Protective Mothers' Alliance International

family court abuse/corruption

Protective Mothers/Advocates Interested in Joining PMA International – The Process

with 10 comments

Please be advised; The post below describes the only official, revised and updated, guidelines for joining PMA International. Any additional postings on any other site about this issue is outdated, null and void, and does not apply.
Thank you.

A note to all protective mothers and advocates interested in solidarity, teamwork and joining Protective Mothers Alliance International with the goal of helping us stop family court abuse/ corruption

The Process;

The First Step
1. Like our PMA INTL open Facebook page ( link below)

Congratulations!!!!! You are now a valued member/ supporter of PMA International, and we welcome you.

{Please Note: If you are a valued PMA INTL member/ supporter- member level one, This is where you belong, NOT in our closed PMA INTL FB groups that require a security check to join. If you are on a waiting list to join our groups, we welcome you on our official FB page instead. Thank you.}

Feel free to thumb up any posts you like, comment, add to the discussion and join our many PMA International Facebook events along with commenting and being active on this official PMA International website/blog

You may also participate and contribute to our ongoing projects IE: “Love Letters to Our Children”, “Unstoppable Mothers,” and all our Healing and Prayer Network Events. Note; our ongoing projects can be found both on FB and on this official PMA International website/blog.

Please Note; This first step is required, before potentially moving forward within PMA INTL. No exceptions allowed. Trust, active participation, time and consistency is key.

This first step cannot be rushed. The time frame for this step is minimum one year, with the exact time frame determined by PMA administrators.

Their criteria includes how long it takes for them to develop trust, to observe consistent active participation, and dedication on the part of the member/supporter.

The recognition of strict adherence to PMA International’s NO ABUSE ZONE policy, must also be observed and noted by PMA administrators.

Please remember, the safety of our current PMA Intl level 2 members, leaders, administrators along with their children is our top priority.

Although you are considered a valued member/supporter of PMA International, it is crucial to understand that any advocacy work initiated by you while at this level of the PMA process, is independent of PMA International.

Please understand, you may not legally initiate advocacy actions, projects, campaigns, promotions, events, protests, meetings or take any or all other advocacy actions including but not limited to contacting media outlets by using the PMA INTL name, while at this level of the PMA Intl. process. This remains in effect, for the entire duration as a PMA INTL member/supporter.

How do I become more than a PMA member/supporter? What is the next step?

A PMA member/supporter who is consistently very active on this FB page, and who consistently joins all our FB events (being active on them), participates and contributes to our various projects, (for a minimum of one year) will stand out and be noticed by PMA INTL administrators. As trust develops, other opportunities within PMA INTL may develop.

The Second Step

This step is for those who wish to be more involved with PMA INTL.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to past experience and requested by our current level 2 members, leaders and administrators, PMA INTL has tight security measures protecting our organization and those mothers/advocates within PMA INTL.

2. PMA International Member- level 2

This level within PMA INTL requires a screening process by our security team, among other requirements.

Member-Level 2 Protective Mothers (P.Ms) / Advocates actively work on a variety of PMA projects and committees as a cohesive team. Member-Level 2 Protective Mothers( P.Ms)/Advocates work in collaboration with and supervised by PMA International State Chapter Leaders, International Leaders and PMA International Administrators.

3. PMA International State Chapter Leader or PMA International , International Country Leader.

This level within PMA International are for those Protective Mothers( P.Ms ) and Advocates from Member-Level 2 who desire to get more deeply involved with PMA International. By actively working closely with Member – Level 2 P.Ms/Advocates on specific projects and ongoing projects / events, PMA International Administrators will extend an invitation to those P.Ms/ Advocate, who have exhibited the following qualities and traits;

1. Outstanding team player qualities
2. Exceptional leadership abilities
3. Excellent judgement and decision making skills
4. Dedication and consistency in their advocacy involvement within PMA International Member- Level 2.
5. Professionalism
6. Strict adherence to PMA International’s NO ABUSE ZONE policy
7. Conflict resolution skills

These qualities and traits would need to be actively and consistency demonstrated for a minimum of one year..

4. Administrator; By invitation only from Janice Levinson- Executive Director

Attention all Professionals, wishing to collaborate with PMA International;

The professionals who are currently collaborating with PMA INTL. have be known to PMA INTL for many years.

New professionals wishing to collaborate with PMA INTL, need to be referred by a professional currently working with PMA INTL, a PMA INTL State Chapter Leader, International Leader, Administrator or go through the above process starting as a PMA INTL member/supporter.

FYI; {Once again, If you are a valued PMA INTL member/ supporter- member level one, you belong in our official FB page -link above- NOT in our closed PMA INTL FB groups that require a security check to join. If you are on a waiting list to join our groups, we welcome you on our official FB page instead. Thank you.}

Thank you in advance for your understanding and cooperation in this matter. Thank you for respecting the PMA INTL process and understanding how important security measures are in protecting our organization, the children and our protective mother/advocates.

Written by protectivemothersallianceinternational

March 28, 2014 at 11:40 pm

10 Responses

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  1. I’m simply glad you exist. Finally! Peace.

    Jennifer Tibbs

    April 24, 2014 at 6:22 am

  2. I certainly understand and appreciate the process for security measures. Also glad this exists.

    Shirley Zago

    April 28, 2014 at 12:00 am

  3. […] PMA INTL Responds: PMA INTL is an all-volunteer grassroots organization. We do not get funding from any source. We do not charge membership fees. All of our events and projects are free of cost for anyone who wishes to join, and participate. We welcome all Protective Mothers and Supporters to be a PMA International Member/Supporter, for more information please visit:… […]

  4. I appreciate that PMA goes the extra mile for Protective Moms, and welcomes us to join their projects. I love how the projects reach out to us on a personal level, and and the online posts are informative. I also appreciate that PMA takes the time to guide someone into becoming an advocate, that it takes time and learning, and is not rushed. I like that PMA does a security check to know they are a safe person–and to protect us too. I have always felt safe and supported with PMA. Keep up the good work!


    June 3, 2014 at 8:06 am

    • I agree with Shelly’s comment. Thank you.

      Shirley Zago

      June 4, 2014 at 8:05 pm

  5. 15 years of abuse and getting out… I’ve been abused and shamed by a broken court system. Trying to keep my children safe from an ex who was abusive and spiraling to a horrific level… The courts were useless after 25 thousand in legal fees that I’m still climbing out of a hole from. I’ve finally found a place who says the truth. This has been the most horrific 4-5 years of my life. Court GAL still would not voice opinion even AFTER my ex was arrested for putting knife to his GF and beating her. I fought for 4 years about my ex drug abuse and domestic violence and the courts put my children in danger. I am sickened at the broken judicial system and the lawyers scam hold they have robbing women who have been abuses enough. The use of the court system to further victimize the weak are a disgrace. I want to help.


    October 20, 2015 at 6:56 am

    • We are so sorry for what you have gone through. So many are in a similar situation. If you wish to help us please read and follow the steps to- ” joining PMA International- the process.” Also, a great way to help is to participate in our campaigns: Love Letters To Our Children and Unstoppable Mothers. Links to both sites, along with instructions on how to submit for each campaign is on the first page of this site. You and your children have our love and support. Best to you.

      • Aftet reading this and doing personal research into your group it is a WONDERFUL & PROTECTIVE example of EVERYTHING you stand so strongly for & I would be VERY hesitant to desire or attempt to be a part of a group like this if YOU DIDN’T have such a monitored and universal protocal for becoming active… THANK YOU FOR ACTIVELY PROTECTING US & PMA International :).


        July 28, 2016 at 1:46 pm

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