Protective Mothers' Alliance International

family court abuse/corruption

Posts Tagged ‘alternative facts

40 Years Later, the Mothers of Argentina’s ‘Disappeared’ Refuse to be Silent/ The Guardian

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“Decades after the military murdered thousands, Mothers of Plaza de Mayo warn that the current era of alternative facts poses a new threat..

“Four decades on and 2,037 marches later, the mothers are still marching, though some of them must now use wheelchairs..

“The mothers’ white headscarves became a symbol of courage and the relentless battle for justice – and they have largely succeeded in their original aims: as of 2016, more than 1,000 of the dictatorship’s torturers and killers had been tried and 700 sentenced..

“But I couldn’t keep quiet. We needed everyone to know, even if nobody believed us. That’s probably why they called us the Mad Mothers at first,” she says.

“Of course we were mad,” Almeida says. “Mad with grief, with impotence. They took a woman’s most precious gift, her child.”

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