Protective Mothers' Alliance International

family court abuse/corruption

Posts Tagged ‘Appreciation

PMA International Thanks You


PMA International continues on our journey establishing ourselves as being an innovative , instrumental and groundbreaking leader in the Mothers Movement. PMA International leads the way in these areas;

1. The first organization to be international
2. The first organization to use Facebook for advocacy on family court issues
3. The first organization to use the term DV by Proxy- Domestic Violence by Proxy (DV by Proxy), is a term first used by Alina Patterson, author of Health and Healing. DV by Proxy refers to a pattern of behavior by an abuser parent with a history of domestic violence intimidation and control. This abuser parent uses the child as a substitute when he no longer has access to his former partner. This is done by manipulation and lies teaching the child to hate the targeted parent. This process is further fueled by the child’s traumatic bonding to the abuser parent.
4. The first organization to have a blog talk radio show dedicated to this issue
5. The first organization to have a no abuse zone policy
6. The first organization to combine Art with Advocacy  with our original PMA projects such as Love Letters to Our Children, Unstoppable Mothers and Lundy’s original play about family court issues.
7. The first organization to use Pinterest for advocacy on family court issues.
8 The first organization led by a group of protective mother-driven advocates.
9. The first organization to recognize and promote Protective Mothers as heroes

10. The first organization to recognize and promote the teaching of critical thinking skills to our children for protection from DV By Proxy.

And, of course, the only organization co- founded by Lundy Bancroft, including his participation and full stamp of approval.

For the few who do not know who Lundy Bancroft is, please read all about him here;

PMA International is all this and so much more. Thank you to our members, Leaders and Administrators for your support in making PMA International a forward- thinking groundbreaking, organization for change. We will continue to move forward in unique and creative ways. We will continue to be innovative and think “outside the box” to raise awareness and bring positive change to family court abuse and corruption. We love and support you and your precious children…. Always

PMA International …. A family of advocates


To All Protective Mothers, Much Love From PMA International

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