Protective Mothers' Alliance International

family court abuse/corruption

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Under the Microscope – Who is Samantha Williams?

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As the PMA International U.S.A Regional Director/Healing and Prayer Warrior Administrator I have the great honor of interviewing the newest member of the PMA International team; Samantha Williams. Samantha who is a second year law student has her own history with family court. Samantha is our Hear Us NOW administrator and we predict great things for her future. In the tradition of PMA International , below are the interview questions that we call Under The Microscope, These questions are borrowed from a French series, “Bouillon de Culture” hosted by Bernard Pivot.
They’re better known as the questions that James Lipton asks every guest at the end of “Inside the Actor’s Studio” show. So, Here they are PMA International style! Sit back , relax and join us in getting to know this intelligent, articulate , gracious young women- Samantha Williams, who is now Under The Microscope.

E.J; What’s your favorite word?
S.W; cool

E.J; What’s your least favorite word?
S.W; abuse

E.J; What turns you on creatively, spiritually and emotionally?
S.W; Hanging out with my friends

E.J; What turns you off?
S.W; Creepy guys and snakes

E.J; What sound or noise do you love?
S.W; The sound of my mom’s voice

E.J; Awwww How sweet!!

E.J: What sound or noise do you hate?
S.W: Car horn

E.J: We understand you are in law school, so what profession other than law would you like to attempt?
S.W: A veterinarian

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E.J: What profession would you not like to do?
S.W: undertaker, creepy.

E.J: If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?
S.W: Your Grandma has been waiting to see you.

E.J: What’s your favorite color?
S.W: Blue, like the sky.

E.J: What’s your favorite food?
S.W Italian. Loooove pasta!!!

E.J: If you could live anywhere,where would you live?
S.W: Hawaii Love the beach!!

E.J: What is your dream vacation?
S.W: African safari

E.J: If you had a magic wand to do anything with, what would you do?
S.W: I would make family court better for moms and kids. I would also bring the children back to their moms and take away the brainwashing that has been done to them
E.J: Very nice.

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E.j: Why did you begin this journey as an advocate?
S.W: Because I know through my own experience what children go through in family court. I want to help those children and adult children of protective moms heal and find each other again.

E.J: What motivates you?
S.W: Ice cream
E.J: That’s easy. Any special flavor?
S.W: Rocky Road…I can eat a gallon forever!

E.J: Well Samantha our readers will thank you as do I and we’re done. Thank you for all you do for Hear Us NOW!!! We know you will have a big impact as an advocate for change. PMA International appreciates you very much. Good luck in law school.
S.W Thank you. I love all the advocates at PMA everyone is so supportive. Thank you E.J. It was real.


Written by protectivemothersallianceinternational

September 25, 2014 at 8:50 am