Protective Mothers' Alliance International

family court abuse/corruption

Posts Tagged ‘Dr Childress

Associated Clinical Signs: ACS-1 “Forced”

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PMA International supports and advocates for ALL Hero Protective Mothers regardless of the type of abuse suffered or the type of situation involved. We support mothers who have had false allegations of parental alienation placed upon them as well as supporting mothers who have suffered from DV by Proxy.- who are alienated from their children. We support mothers and children who have endured all types of abuse, from sexual to emotional and everything in-between. Please understand, just because a Hero Protective Mother’s experience is different from yours does not mean the experience did not happen to others. PMA International knows many Hero Protective Mothers who have been alienated from their children due to a personality disordered abuser x. We also know many Hero Protective Mothers who have had false allegations of parental alienation ( DV by Proxy) placed upon them by family court and abusers who project onto these mothers actions that they themselves are really doing( remember projection is one of the hallmarks of a personality disordered abuser ) .All Hero Protective Mothers’ experiences are validated and supported by PMA International .We all need to stand together against family court abuse/corruption. All Hero Protective Mothers have our love and support.
We believe in you. The PMA International Administrative Team

Dr. Craig Childress: Attachment Based "Parental Alienation" (AB-PA)

In my afternoon talk in Dallas, I began to more fully unpack the diagnosis of AB-PA.

Professional diagnosis is more than simply the identification of symptoms. Diagnosis involves recognizing the underlying causal origin of the pathology that leads to the pattern of symptoms.

In my Dallas talk, I drew the analogy of diagnosis to putting together the pieces of a puzzle.  The symptoms are the variously shaped and colored puzzle pieces.  The diagnosis is the completed picture that’s made when all the puzzle pieces are put together.

Imagine different types of puzzles (analogous to different types of pathology).  There’s the puzzle Cats in the Garden that depicts three cats playing in a garden among flowers and butterflies.  There’s a different puzzle depicting a train traveling through the mountains, and there’s another type of puzzle of boats sailing on a lake. 

With each puzzle there are a set of characteristic puzzle…

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7 Parental Alienation Dynamics – Making the Personality Disorder Diagnosis/Dr. Craig Childress

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As PMA International has posted before, we prefer the term DV by Proxy to explain the manipulations an abuser parent uses to teach the child to reject the protective parent. We prefer this term because;

1. In our opinion ,it more accurately depicts the actions taken by the abuser parent towards the child
2. There has been a lot of misinformation about parental alienation circulating the internet and beyond.

3.The term parental alienation and /or parental alienation syndrome has been use as a legal defense for abusive dads in family court.

Most often this term has been used by the attorneys of dads who sexual abuse their children. This legal defense is used – most often- by attorneys in family court , for the purpose of deflecting blame from the criminal actions of their client onto the protective mother.

4. The result of the above has frequently been, abusers winning custody due to this misuse of the term.

Because the term is so emotionally charged for protective mothers, and for all the reasons above, we feel DV by Proxy is a better choice. Please keep in mind others still use the term Parental Alienation. Since PMA International did not author this piece, the term parental alienation or alienation may be used.

Dr. Craig Childress discusses the relationship patterns relative to making a diagnosis of a personality disorder for the alienating parent