Protective Mothers' Alliance International

family court abuse/corruption

Posts Tagged ‘parental alienation

Associated Clinical Signs: ACS-1 “Forced”

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PMA International supports and advocates for ALL Hero Protective Mothers regardless of the type of abuse suffered or the type of situation involved. We support mothers who have had false allegations of parental alienation placed upon them as well as supporting mothers who have suffered from DV by Proxy.- who are alienated from their children. We support mothers and children who have endured all types of abuse, from sexual to emotional and everything in-between. Please understand, just because a Hero Protective Mother’s experience is different from yours does not mean the experience did not happen to others. PMA International knows many Hero Protective Mothers who have been alienated from their children due to a personality disordered abuser x. We also know many Hero Protective Mothers who have had false allegations of parental alienation ( DV by Proxy) placed upon them by family court and abusers who project onto these mothers actions that they themselves are really doing( remember projection is one of the hallmarks of a personality disordered abuser ) .All Hero Protective Mothers’ experiences are validated and supported by PMA International .We all need to stand together against family court abuse/corruption. All Hero Protective Mothers have our love and support.
We believe in you. The PMA International Administrative Team

Dr. Craig Childress: Attachment Based "Parental Alienation" (AB-PA)

In my afternoon talk in Dallas, I began to more fully unpack the diagnosis of AB-PA.

Professional diagnosis is more than simply the identification of symptoms. Diagnosis involves recognizing the underlying causal origin of the pathology that leads to the pattern of symptoms.

In my Dallas talk, I drew the analogy of diagnosis to putting together the pieces of a puzzle.  The symptoms are the variously shaped and colored puzzle pieces.  The diagnosis is the completed picture that’s made when all the puzzle pieces are put together.

Imagine different types of puzzles (analogous to different types of pathology).  There’s the puzzle Cats in the Garden that depicts three cats playing in a garden among flowers and butterflies.  There’s a different puzzle depicting a train traveling through the mountains, and there’s another type of puzzle of boats sailing on a lake. 

With each puzzle there are a set of characteristic puzzle…

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We Cannot Decorate Our X-Mas Tree Together ( Photography and Quote)/ Unstoppable Mothers

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#2 What hurts you the most about not being in your child’s life

“It hurts me the most that we cannot decorate our x-mas tree together. I cannot make you hot chocolate, help you bake cookies for Santa or see your excitement as you try to go to sleep on x-mas eve and wake up at 4 AM with anticipation and innocent joy, as you rush downstairs to presents left under the tree. I AM YOUR MOTHER. Why does any Judge feel they have the right to take away a child’s mother!?”

Unstoppable Mothers © 2015

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Experiencing the Holidays in a Hero Protective Mother’s World

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As the Holiday season is upon us, many Hero Protective Mothers will be without their precious children. This is a very difficult time of year.
For some Hero Protective Moms, they will have no contact at all with their child(ren). Some moms will drop off presents not knowing if they will be received. Other moms won’t even know what to buy for their beloved child (ren) as they have had so little or no contact that the mom doesn’t even know what presents their own child would like. What music is their child into? What size does their child now wear? What are their favorite colors, books, or toys?

All the beautiful loving traditions once shared cannot be shared anymore; sitting on Santa’s lap, decorating the tree, making x mas cookies for Santa or having that special Hanukkah dinner filled with tradition and symbolism.

What we are feeling, the loss and pain, few can understand . Unless you have been in our shoes- a Hero Protective Mother, you cannot begin to know the depth of the heartache and raw pain that reaches right down to our very souls.

We are their mothers. We grew these babies within us. This fact alone bonds us with them, and they with us like no other bond . We are bonded together beyond time, space, judges, laws, and certainly beyond family court.

The mother-child bond is the strongest there is. Although many may try , it cannot be broken as it is God- given.

Hero Protective Mothers as you go through the Holidays without you precious babies, with empty arms and hurting hearts , this is what we want you to hold onto.

No matter how it looks now, you are bonded to your child. Your heart is their heart. Your souls connect. You are an essential part of each other that cannot be denied.This is a fact. Because of this fact, you cannot be separated forever.

Only evil would try to break this God- given unbreakable bond.

We believe we can overcome this evil. WE will overcome this evil through our unconditional love for our children-the strongest love ever to exist, and one day we will celebrate the holidays as a family once again.

Take care of yourselves Hero Moms,through this difficult time, for one day- we are certain- our child(ren) will understand all our sacrifices, pain and hurt. We believe one day, our children will learn the truth and return home, to our loving arms, where they belong.

Our children will return home to our loving arms, and history will reveal us for the Hero Protective Mothers we truly are.

Until then , know you and your precious children have PMA International’s love , support and understanding, always.

Much Love,
The PMA International Team

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Empower Target Parents of Parental Alienation- Dr. Craig Childress

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Written by protectivemothersallianceinternational

October 28, 2015 at 12:42 am

Halloween Without My Angel ( Photography and Quote) / Unstoppable Mothers

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#2 What hurts you the most about not being in your child’s life

” The Judge gave my child to his unfit abusive Father. Halloween without my Angel.”

Unstoppable Mothers © 2015

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I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU BY K J ( POETRY) / Love Letters To Our Children

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I know my arm is strong
the landscape of it’s breadth has held new life
has cradled the sweetest innocence
and protected a beating heart
I know my arm is strong
the same arm,
clenched tight by an angry fist,
is still strong

My voice is still here
the power of my words to heal and sooth
the joy of song and treasured talk
the chosen silence and the answers
no matter how heavy the hand
to bring down my voice,
my voice is still here

The heart
no words can tell
written, spoken, heard,
how you are my heart
my dearest child
that the deepest well within my being
holds your light and memory
and no man
no woman
no power, being, or force
shall take you from me
shall shake my grasp
of hope
that i will be your mother
that you are my child
and I will always love you.

K.J © 2015 Love Letters To Our Children

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Love Letters Disclaimer

Pictures In The Clouds ( Photography and Quote)/ Unstoppable Mothers

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#2 What hurts you the most about not being in your child’s life

“What hurts me the most about not having you in my life; I miss our lazy, fun summer days by the pond.

While lying near the water, looking up at the sky and listening to the frogs,

we would play our favorite game -finding letters or pictures in the clouds.”

Unstoppable Mothers © 2015



Abusers Use the Children as Tools of Abuse / Sam Vaknin

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How the abuser recruits his children as tools of abuse against his spouse or a devoted relative.

Written by protectivemothersallianceinternational

August 2, 2015 at 9:53 pm

Love Letters To Our Children – Leave A Legacy Of Love For Your Child

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Love Letters To Our Children; Leave A Legacy Of Love For Your Child

To all Hero Protective Mothers and their supporters; PMA International invites you to follow our new Word Press Blog. This is the new home of our” Love Letters To Our Children Campaign.” Thank you in advance for your support and participation. PMA International loves and supports you and your precious children..always. Protective Hero Moms: “Leave a Legacy Of Love For Your Child”


Flying Monkeys/ Tela- Sociopathlife

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This article was original posted on ( link below)

You have been searching the internet trying to figure out what the hell kind of person you have or are involved with. After reading for countless hours, you have determined that the person is a Narcissistic Sociopath. They have met the criteria LIST. You are a mental and emotional DISASTER. You wonder why you did not see the RED FLAGS. And how easily they are/were a PATHOLOGICAL LIAR!!!!

So while reading about the piece of shit person that has ruined your life, you come across words such as: GASLIGHTING, EVIL, FEMALE SOCIOPATH, NO CONTACT etc. This article is going to be about the words Flying Monkey’s.

A Flying Monkey in a Sociopaths life is a person or persons who do their dirty work. Once the Sociopath has totally discredited you to any and everyone who would listen, as well as the Flying Monkey(s), that person/person(s) then reports back to the Sociopath what you are doing in your life. Sometimes by direct contact, other times indirect contact. For instance, the Sociopath can have a best friend (we all know they have no friends), who could be a mutual friend of yours. That person~ now a Flying Monkey will let the Sociopath know they have seen you or spoken to you, and given a full report on what is happening in your life. Fucked up? YES!! They may even act as thought they believe everything you are saying about the Sociopath. Do not be fooled. They have been brainwashed and under the SOCIOPATH POSION. A parent will also use the children as Flying Monkey’s and turn them against you.

Why do Sociopaths have Flying Monkey’s? Because they know once they DISCARDED you, and totally SMEARED your name/character, they still have to have that control over you, even if they have moved onto a new person!!!! So this is where the Flying Monkey’s are essential to the Sociopath, to let them know EVERYTHING that is going on with you. If the Sociopath knows you are an emotional wreck, that feeds them!!! If the Sociopath knows they have mentally & emotionally abused you so much that you cannot move forward~ HUGE win for the Sociopath. If you allow the Sociopath to contact you over and over, break up, make up, break up, make up etc. score another HUGE win for the Sociopath, and……..success for the Flying Monkey’s in their life. Even the children. If they come back and say ‘mommy or daddy (_________)’, win for the Sociopath.

flying monkey

Why does the Sociopath even care what you are doing once they have moved on? MOST DO NOT!!! The one’s that do, are because YOU are still feeding them, YOU are still allowing them to suck any happiness out. YOU are the one who cannot let go.

It is extremely imperative that you are aware of the Flying Monkey’s in the Sociopaths life. Be it family members, friends, co-workers, mutual friends etc. Be mindful of how you present yourself and what comes out of your mouth when dealing with the Flying Monkey’s, as it is certain everything is being reported back to the Sociopath. Which is therefore used as more ammunition against you. Be it emotional blackmail, parental alienation, financial hostage and so on.

getting over a painful experience is much like crossing monkey bars. you have to let go at some point to move forward c.s. lewis

