Protective Mothers' Alliance International

family court abuse/corruption

Posts Tagged ‘Protective Mother Jailed

Jailed for Commute Time ( Photography and Quote)/ Unstoppable Mothers

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#1 The most outrageous action a judge took in your family court case

“My ex filed contempt against me for any silly thing he could think of. The judge held me in contempt for taking 28 hours instead of the court ordered 24 hours to return an email And finally The Judge held me in contempt and sentenced me to 2 days in jail for adding 17 minutes to my ex’s commute time.”

Unstoppable Mothers © 2015


The mothers jailed after waving to their children in the street / The Telegraph

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By Christopher Booker

It’s a mystery why judges and social workers think they have the legal authority to act in such an inhuman way

Many will have been amazed by the story of Kathleen Danby, the 72-year-old grandmother given a three-month prison sentence after police produced CCTV footage showing her and her 18-year-old granddaughter running to embrace in a pub car park. The granny, who lives in Orkney, had travelled down to Derby to meet her beloved young relation in defiance of a 2007 court order, which has allowed them only to have “supervised contact” by telephone once a month.

The girl, said to have a mental age of nine, is so unhappy in “care” that, according to Mrs Danby, she has run away 175 times. She was forbidden to see her father after he was jailed for roughly restraining her from “running into a busy road when she was having a temper tantrum”. He has twice since been in prison, once for waving at his daughter when he saw her in a passing taxi on her way to school.

Martin Cardinal, the Court of Protection judge who sentenced Mrs Danby, said: “I am sure this grandmother needs restraint.” It was Judge Cardinal who made news last year when it was revealed that he had secretly jailed Wanda Maddocks – for removing her 80-year-old father from a care home where he had been placed by social workers, and where he was being so ill-treated that she feared for his life.

Of all the disturbing features of our “care” system, one of the most chilling is the draconian restrictions it imposes on contact between children and loving parents or grandparents who have not harmed them in any way. If they are allowed to meet at all, it is usually in a grim council “contact centre”, where every word is noted by a “contact supervisor”, watching for any breach of the rules, which can stop the “contact” dead.

I have seen several of the contracts that family members must sign before being allowed these contact sessions. One is 23 clauses long. These severely limit or forbid any show of affection by either side. Conversation must be limited only to “everyday matters”, such as how the children are doing at school.

Virtually nothing the bewildered children want to discuss is allowed. Totally prohibited is any reference to why they are in “care”, what is to happen to them, or how they are being treated (in one case, where a distressed 11-year-old girl told her parents that she was being sexually abused by a member of the foster carer’s family, her parents never saw her again).

No reference can be made to the courts, social workers or any other “professional” involved in the case. Particularly forbidden is any “whispering”. Where foreign children are in care, they and their parents are forbidden to use the language they speak at home. When a Lithuanian grandfather recently flew to London to see his grandson, he was merely allowed one five-minute video exchange on Skype, using the only three words of English he knew: “I love you”.

Where no contact is allowed at all, the punishments for breaches can be astonishingly severe. I know of half a dozen cases where mothers were jailed simply for waving at their children when seeing them by chance in the street.

I recently reported on a mother, still in prison, after her desperately unhappy 13-year-old daughter had run away from a care home where she was being physically ill-treated. The mother had rung the police, but was careful to have no direct contact with her daughter, until the police begged her to go and calm the girl down in her brother’s house, where she was screaming and sobbing. For this, the social workers persuaded a judge to jail her for six months.

The real mystery is why the courts and social workers think they have the legal authority to act in this utterly inhuman way. If any lawyer can tell me precisely which law allows them thus to trample on one of the deepest and most natural of human instincts, I would be very grateful.


Written by protectivemothersallianceinternational

December 20, 2014 at 10:55 pm

Protective Mom Valerie Rosproy Prosecuted and Sentenced to 45 Days in JAIL

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Mother & Child

Valerie is the Kansas PMA Chapter Leader and co-administrator of the PMA Healing & Prayer Network.We thank you Valerie for your continued support, and prayers. I do not take it lightly that when we gather for our Prayer Meetings, that we “stand in agreement of prayer” , and believe that is true even now. As we pray together, every week at the usual time, bars cannot hold back our voices, our prayers will be even stronger because we have not lost hope–but stand firm in our faith. We believe in you Valerie, and will continue to pray for you and your children.

A Bible verse, that Valerie often included in our Prayer Meetings, has been on my mind since hearing this news, 1 John 4:18, “There is no fear in love, perfect fear drives out love..because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love.” We rely on the love God has for us, and have faith He will answer our prayers.

Valerie, we will continue to support you, and thank you for all the love, efforts & sacrifices you have put into PMA. — PMA International & Supporters


Valerie Rosproy Prosecuted and Sentenced to 45 Days in JAIL

January 16, 2013

Charge: Violation of Stalking Order by Ex Husband

Valerie’s story of being jailed for 45 days in the Sedgwick County Jail on January 16, 2013 is a testimony how abusive a court system can be when it is used for purposes of further abusing a victim or victims of its system. The steps to get a bench warrant against her were carried out and immediately put her in jail, followed by a 24 hour initial hearing which was a precise calculated set of processes to insure maximum intrusion into her life. The time between the initial hearing and the discovery hearing was expedited in a super fast time frame despite the holiday season of Christmas and New Years. It proceeded at a pace that was very fast and as usual it was a sham from the word go…. One never see’s the most vicious criminal cases handled this quickly.

To give you a little background. Valerie went and got her a new cell phone on the third of December and of course it was one of those advanced models (Smart Phone you know). Anyhow they (Sprint) didn’t give her much instruction on its use and it appeared that she didn’t even get an instruction manual (it was buried in a box and hidden by a sleeve of cardboard and the outside cover of the box). She had asked the salesperson to download her address (contact) list out of her old phone and into the new one. They did get that done so she had her old contact list to use with the new phone.

Later, she was playing with her phone trying to get used to it, sliding her finger on the screen to reveal different features it offered and use of the contact list. Low and behold she still had her ex-husband’s cell phone number in it. Then the unthinkable occurred and I don’t know how but she managed to energize his number and it about panicked her when she did. She tried to stop it from dialing but couldn’t get it shut down. After ringing and there being no answer she heard his voice mail announcement and did a pretty thoughtless thing. She decided she would just leave a message stating she was sorry she called him and that it was an accident, then proceeded to ask him if he would give a message to her boys, “that she missed them and Loved them very much.” It didn’t take long for the great Narcissist (her ex) to get into action and contact the courts (namely Judge of the juvenile court, CINC branch) and then a Bench Warrant was issued for her arrest. Of course the court judge didn’t do this himself it was passed on to another Judge in the system so it wasn’t traceable to him.

The charge in the bench warrant was related to a Stalking Order which had been generated by her ex 7 months before stating that she was to have no contact with him. The processing of this order went through a time period from January through May of 2012 and was nothing but a series of mistakes, violation of laws and delays to intimidate Valerie as much as possible. There never was any evidence presented to support the charges made in the proposed order that qualified it to be considered and made into a permanent order by a court. The law (Kansas Law) states that any charge presented in an order to the court must be accompanied by proof of evidence within 20 days after it is filed. Well this never happened and all was delayed with additional hearings citing the reason that the defendant (Valerie) had filed an appeal with the appellate court for previous court action (termination of her rights) and they wanted to wait for its outcome. So, several hearings were rescheduled and held afterward which accomplished nothing. Well, there was another hearing that was scheduled and Valerie got the date for it mixed up with something else and didn’t appear and the court ruled that since she failed to appear, the Stalking Order was determined not being contested by anyone and therefore was approved by the court.

As a side note it is worth noting that about 2 months before the stalking order was put into effect, Valerie decided (mother’s intuition) that something was wrong with her youngest son of the two who were living with their dad at the time. She decided to go by the house regardless of the consequences to see if he was OK and of course a confrontation was inevitable with her ex. However, her intuition had proven right as she could tell the boys were totally afraid of her and didn’t even want to speak to her for fear of their dad and expressed it imminently. Her going to the house to see them was a violation of a previous order that “Severed Her Rights” to her children (8 months previous to this occurrence) through another court order that was a put up job where all the witnesses testifying had been rehearsed to state falsehoods about Valerie and was a total violation of her rights as a citizen and violated state laws governing the conditions of this type of proceeding. The witnesses she requested to testify on her behalf in her defense were not allowed into the court and never notified to appear. It was a typical court play act to intimidate and falsely prosecute a mother and separate her from her children through a corrupt judicial system. Most mothers know of many others who have suffered the same outcomes from a criminal and corrupt Judicial system.

She has been on probation for a while, about 6 months and when she went to her monthly probation meeting they scanned her record as usual and of course there was the Bench Warrant. Her probation officer (here in Hutchinson) contacted the local police department and they immediately arrested her and through her in Jail. Valerie’s mother had a sick feeling that something had happened when Valerie didn’t return at her usual time and asked me to contact the police department so I did and found out she had been picked up and jailed when we went to talk to them. We found out she had a bail amount of $25,000 attached to the warrant and of course we went through the process of getting her bailed out. We got her released about 9:00 PM, but she had a note given to her that she was to appear in court in the morning at 9:30 AM in Wichita, KS. So, we went through all of the motions to get her there and the Judge asked her how she pleaded and if she had a lawyer to represent her? She advised him No, and the Judge asked if she wanted one appointed? She said yes, and he gave her the name of one by the name of James Eicher. He is fairly new in Wichita and served in the Army for 23 years as a “JAG” attorney and said he had handled cases all over the world. Anyhow he is one of the best attorney’s she has ever had and he tried to help in every way. He even had her write up an apology letter to the court and read it in front of the Judge (Jeff Syrios). Her lawyer even requested that she be allowed to remain on probation be forgiven the accidental incident. But, that isn’t what had been prescribed by the Juvenile Court CINC Judge (my assessment) and Syrios admonished her and in a roundabout manner and told her she needed to be taught a lesson that when the court order (a stalking order by Mike) stated she was to have no contact with her ex it meant exactly that. Therefore he was sentencing her to 45 days in the county jail. This all occurred on July 16th of 2013.

Ironically, the Appellate Court Judges met on January 15th 2013 to determine a ruling in her appeal with them regarding the charges made by her stating that the ruling in the Sedgwick County Juvenile CINC case denied her of her rights to due process because of “Ineffective Assistance by Counsel” and requested that the decision to sever her rights as a mother should be overturned. The request is backed up by 102 statements made in her Petition to the appellate court and proof of evidence that her rights have been violated and that state statutes were violated in the processing of her case in both Family and Juvenile Courts in Sedgwick County Kansas 102 times. It will take about 60 days for them to render their decision. Please pray for a fair and just outcome for her benefit and thousands of mothers and children who have experienced the same criminal behavior in our courts. It is hoped that her appeal will become an instrument of Case Law.

Yesterday, her mother and I tried to go see her at the Sedgwick County Jail and was informed that she had been moved to Sumner County (Wellington) Detention facility, so we drove from the Sedgwick County Jail to Wellington and was informed that we could not see her there today, but could visit with her from 1:00 – 4:00 PM on Saturday. So we are planning on going there then.

We did get to see Valerie on Saturday and Sunday. She is suffering the anxiety and emotional stress that most people experience when incarcerated and really misses being able to see her two boys. But also misses all her friends on the outside and knows that they are all praying for her which is a great comfort to her. Her faith in God is strong and very important part of her daily battle of survival during this time.

The above was written by Valerie’s father.