Protective Mothers' Alliance International

family court abuse/corruption

Wounded Healer; The Series / Part 1

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PMA INTL. Guardian Of Truth Blog will be starting a series on The Wounded Healer.

What is a Wounded Healer?
A Wounded Healer is someone volunteering or working in the healing profession who is helping others but bleeding from their own wounds while they help.

According to Carl Jung the psychiatrist; a wounded healer must go through their wound. He explains that To go through our wound is to embrace, and say “yes” to the mysteriously painful new place in ourselves where the wound is leading us. Going through our wound, we can allow ourselves to be re-created by the wound. Our wound is not a static entity, but rather a continually unfolding dynamic process that manifests, reveals and incarnates itself through us, which is to say that our wound is teaching us something about ourselves. Going through our wound means realizing we will never again be the same when we get to the other side of this initiatory process. Going through our wound is a genuine death experience, as our old self “dies” in the process, while a new, more expansive and empowered part of ourselves is potentially born (wikipedia).

Some characteristics of a Wounded-Healer;

1 Someone who is helping others and bleeding from their own unhealed wounds at the same time.
2 Not taking care of your own unhealed issues while trying to help heal others.
3 Not filling your own healing cup up after pouring it out for someone else!

Visualize a glass of healing, energy water being poured out to help heal others yet it is left empty. We all need to fill that glass of healing energy back up to keep ourselves healthy.

A Wounded-Healer helps no one until her personal wounds are healed.

So how do you heal your wounds?

In our next post we will explore some ways to pamper yourself and move closer towards a healed new you.

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