Protective Mothers' Alliance International

family court abuse/corruption

Posts Tagged ‘The National Safe Child Coalition

New Law Protects Domestic Violence Victims’ Jobs

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After Carie Charlesworth was dismissed from her teaching job due to security concerns about her estranged husband, the California mother championed legislation to make sure no one would ever have the same experience.

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Local attorney charged in world wide pedophile ring – WFTX-TV Fort Myers/Naples, FL

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Investigators from several places around the world say former Cape Coral attorney Rex Powell was the leader of a ring which had a chat room called which had 70,000 members until it was shut down.

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Overcoming Brainwashing and the Sociopath’s World of Lies

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There comes a time when that endless analysis needs to stop. If you keep filling your brain up with doubts because of the psychopath’s lies and re-affirming them, you won’t leave any space inside your mind for the truth.

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Wounded Healer; The Series/ Part 2

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As protective mothers we all know how difficult holidays, birthdays and other traumatic events can be .Since holidays are just around the corner PMA International protective moms have put together some helpful tips on self care specifically tailored for these occasions

Tools to Empower You on Anniversaries of Traumatic Events;

Decide in advance who you want to see and who you don’t want to spend time with. Plan your activities so you spend the most time with people who are good for you, minimize time with people who are not loving and kind. While spending time with those who trigger you, try to remain calm, deep breathe and remember sometimes the best response is no response. Leave the room to re group if you must, have the phone number of a supportive friend to call for emotional support.

2. Have an Escape Plan
You can’t always anticipate how you’re going to feel and who’s going to say or do what triggers you. Have a self care plan for a quick getaway.

3 Take Time out
It is important to plan in advance or be prepared for much needed down times, giving you a chance to decompress. It’s best to plan these down times in advance and stick to the self care schedule as much as possible.

4 Do What feels most comfortable
It’s ok for you to say “NO” pick and choose what you want to participate in. Setting healthy boundaries in respect to others expectations is very important.

5 Pace yourself
If you feel overwhelmed , slow down. It’s better to break plans than to follow through with them while feeling overwhelmed. When you feel you are reaching your limit, pull back, give yourself some space and refuse feel guilty about it. Replace negative self talk or memories with positive loving affirmations

6 Maintain your privacy
Lovingly taking care of your emotional needs during anniversaries of traumatic events or holidays does not require you to explain Ptsd or your story to everyone you know. It’s alright to decline an invitation without giving a full explanation . Certainly share your reason with people you trust and love, but for others a simple, “NO” thank you,” is enough.

Do what feels right for you In every moment follow your intuition. Your own inner voice knows what you need, tune in and listen to it. Feel free to explore options within your community for support.

Know Your life has a purpose, Your voice matters. You are stronger than you think. You can heal and move on towards a healed, happy and productive life.

PMA International loves and supports you and your precious children.

Stay tune for Part 3

Pa. reviewing original Sandusky allegation

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LOCK HAVEN, PA. — In the 23 months since former Penn State assistant football coach Jerry Sandusky was unmasked as a child predator, everything has remained, remarkably, unchanged at Central Mountain High School, where the stunning criminal inquiry…

Protective Mothers’ Alliance International‘s insight:

This is a very important story highlighting the broken investigative practices used in the Penn State scandal which is similar to those   used by family courts.

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CPS Whistleblower Speaks Out

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CPS Whistle-blower Speaks Out. I was a special investigator for Child Protective Services, and this is my story.

Protective Mothers’ Alliance International‘s insight:

" There is no system ever devised by mankind that is guaranteed to rip husband,wife, father, mother and child apart so bitterly than our present family court system" Judge Brian Lyndsey

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Wounded Healer; The Series / Part 1

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PMA INTL. Guardian Of Truth Blog will be starting a series on The Wounded Healer.

What is a Wounded Healer?
A Wounded Healer is someone volunteering or working in the healing profession who is helping others but bleeding from their own wounds while they help.

According to Carl Jung the psychiatrist; a wounded healer must go through their wound. He explains that To go through our wound is to embrace, and say “yes” to the mysteriously painful new place in ourselves where the wound is leading us. Going through our wound, we can allow ourselves to be re-created by the wound. Our wound is not a static entity, but rather a continually unfolding dynamic process that manifests, reveals and incarnates itself through us, which is to say that our wound is teaching us something about ourselves. Going through our wound means realizing we will never again be the same when we get to the other side of this initiatory process. Going through our wound is a genuine death experience, as our old self “dies” in the process, while a new, more expansive and empowered part of ourselves is potentially born (wikipedia).

Some characteristics of a Wounded-Healer;

1 Someone who is helping others and bleeding from their own unhealed wounds at the same time.
2 Not taking care of your own unhealed issues while trying to help heal others.
3 Not filling your own healing cup up after pouring it out for someone else!

Visualize a glass of healing, energy water being poured out to help heal others yet it is left empty. We all need to fill that glass of healing energy back up to keep ourselves healthy.

A Wounded-Healer helps no one until her personal wounds are healed.

So how do you heal your wounds?

In our next post we will explore some ways to pamper yourself and move closer towards a healed new you.

Effects of Separation on Young Children: Implications for Family Court Decision Making

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Young children should not be separated unnecessarily from a primary caregiver, and family courts should pay attention to attachment theory and child development.

Protective Mothers’ Alliance International‘s insight:

"Young children should not be separated unnecessarily from a primary caregiver, and family courts should pay attention to attachment theory and child development."

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Protective Mothers’ Alliance International‘s insight:


I haven’t wanted to telegraph my visit to the Shawnee County Courthouse in Topeka Kansas today. Today was the trial of Claudine Dombrowski on stalking charges. Case 13D-1747.

Claudine Dombrowski has been ordered to post nothing about me and remove all postings in regard to me. I doubt that Claudine Dombrowski can comply with the order, so I believe she is destined for criminal charges and contempt charges.

If she has a weapon, I believe she is restricted and may lose it. She could also be prosecuted for interstate travel to commit stalking or violence and interstate stalking.

There was another Claudine Dombrowski victim at the trial, and she is even happier than I am. Others will likely be following with actions similar to mine. Since Claudine Dombrowski IS the American Mothers Political Party, it seems to me that their Facebook pages and web pages will have to disappear. I hereby advise them to make copies of everything they remove as these are subject to subpoena in both civil and criminal matters that are pending. All the Muthas must heed this requirement, or they could be found guilty of the crime of destroying evidence.

I think I’m going to find a piece of pie.

William M. Windsor

Here’s to you Bill with L.O.V.E PMA INTL.


Lundy Bancroft Takes a Strong Stand Against Abusers Within The Mothers’ Movement

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Thank you Lundy!. We love and support you back!

Defending A Women’s Rights Activist Who Is Under Attack
NOTE: This post is about some of the internal dynamics of the national movement fighting for the custody rights of abused women (also referred to as “protective mothers,” because they are in the position of needing to protect their children from the other parent, but family courts are not permitting them to do so). If this issue doesn’t interest or affect you, or if you get triggered by news about infighting, I encourage you to skip this post. But for those of you who are involved in the custody issue, it’s important to know about the attacks on activists that are happening.
For over a decade I have been one of the leaders in the international effort to secure full human rights for protective mothers and their children. There is no cause that remains as close to my heart day in and day out.
I am writing in response to the ongoing controversy on the web regarding the Protective Mothers Alliance (PMA), a grassroots advocacy organization that I helped to co-found and that is directed by Janice Levinson. I have been following the claims that have been made about PMA and about Janice; specifically, I have had the opportunity to review communications that have been shared between Janice and other individuals, and to see some of the extremely negative postings that have been made. In my opinion, the attacks that have been made on Janice and on PMA have to be called out for what they are: vicious, dishonest, threatening, and dehumanizing written assaults on a committed advocate and survivor, one who has worked tirelessly for the interests and rights of protective mothers and their children.
There are a number of sources of these attacks, but they come overwhelmingly from Claudine Dombrowski and the American Mothers Political Party (AMPP). I am not relying on Janice’s word in forming this conclusion; I have looked at many postings by Claudine and AMPP, and they are cruel, irresponsible, and outrageous. And they don’t stop; in fact, they’re getting worse over time.
Moreover, Claudine and AMPP have begun to attack a significant number of other protective mothers and their allies as well, with similar viciousness. The predictable effect of the movement’s reluctance to denounce this behavior is that it is growing and spreading.
To make sure that there is no doubt or confusion, I want to state that I give my wholehearted support to PMA and Janice Levinson. PMA has been an important and exciting development in the custody rights movement, and Janice Levinson’s work in organizing protective mothers has been excellent. I have found her to be a person of the highest integrity and commitment, combined with a deep commitment to treating participants with fairness and respect. Although she has been accused of various things, I cannot find a shred of truth to any of these accusations, and none of the accusations come from any source that I find in any way credible.
The accusations that have been made about PMA have been insulting and derisive in their tone, and have involved outright fabrications about the organization and how it works, and about Janice herself. There have also been accusations that Janice’s work is not actually associated with me, which is as bizarre as the other attacks. The attackers have used gutter language, have put up photos of Janice, and have written what can only be interpreted as threats against her. These behaviors serve to further discredit those who are making claims about PMA. These behaviors appear to come from just two or three disgruntled individuals who were angry about the appropriate requirements that the PMA structure involves, and who chose to retaliate in harmful and divisive ways.

Now for the most important part of this letter:
Claudine Dombrowski and AMPP are doing severe damage to the custody rights movement. Whatever their intentions may be, the actual effects of their actions is only to strengthen the position of the abusers. I have known of a number of individuals who have dropped out of the movement and/or who have declared that they won’t come to the BMCC anymore because they can’t stand the infighting and accusations, which are almost all traceable to the same few sources. I therefore have decided today — after viewing the latest round of unbelievable psychological assaults on Janice (see, for example,, a blog that was created just to attack and humiliate Janice) — that I am taking the following stands:
1) I will not participate in any event or campaign that Claudine Dombrowski or AMPP are officially connected to.
2) I will not attend any event where Claudine and AMPP are present unless the organizers of the event have done everything in their power to keep them from attending.
3) I won’t work on any projects or collaborate with anyone who has worked with Claudine or AMPP in the past unless they now publicly and visibly denounce her actions.

I have waited some four years to take these steps, but now I regret that I waited so long. We cannot fight against the power and actions of abusers, and of the courts that enable them, while we remain silent and acquiescent in the face of severely abusive of treatment of our own allies.
Whatever divisiveness may result from drawing a line that places Claudine Dombrowski and AMPP outside of the custody rights movements will be far less than the divisiveness and other damage that are resulting from our failure to draw that line. So the movement needs us to take this stand.

But there is an even more important reason to take this stand, which is that it’s the right thing to do.
I ask that you not stand by quietly and allow Janice to be dragged through the mud. Please look at the attacks that have been made on her (and at the lack of any similar behavior coming from her). And then please inform everyone in your networks that you are denouncing the behavior of Claudine and the AMPP and that you do not intend to have them be part of the custody rights / protective mothers movement.
You can also help by complaining to Google about the hate-oriented website created against Janice, by going to:
Healing and Hope

Healing and Hope